GOAL 1: Ensure Excellence in teaching (by promoting a culture of academic excellence and providing professional development opportunities to the faculty and the teaching assistants of the UP and other HEI’s.)
Objective 1.1. - To advance the skills and competencies of academic staff of University of Prishtina and other HEIs
Activity 1.1.1.Offer professional development opportunities
- Professional development activities
- Current teacher
- New professors
Activity 1.1.2.Provide certification programs (link to minimum standards)
- 1. Professional / technical minimum standards
- 2. Performance
Objective 1.2.-Promote standards and best practices in teaching
Activity 1.2.1. Promote standards of best practices in teaching
- Cross-cutting standards (modern and teaching methodology)
- Faculty-specific standards
- To work with the faculty to build faculty specific standards
- To collaborate with faculty staff in identifying and articulating emerging instructional best practices
- Collaborate with faculty coordinators to support their work for curricula improvement
Objective 1.3.-To serve as a resource for University of Prishtina and other Universities for teaching excellence (curricula development, materials, consultations, mentoring)
- Provide/ distribute/ make available materials on teaching and teaching and learning excellence (mentoring, students and new faculty, how to design new courses, creating syllabus)
- Teaching nuggets
- Create a venue for sharing teaching research
- Teaching with technology
- Make available individual consultations in teaching and learning
- Access to teaching technologies / resources
Objective 1.4. Standards for ethics in teaching
- Training for the UP code of ethics
- Promote standards for ethics in teaching
- Conduct training, workshops and certificate programs in UP Code of Ethics, Social Inclusion of Marginalizes Groups,
- Conduct training/ workshops and Certificate Programs
GOAL 2: To make CTE a sustainable institution
Objective 2.1. - Financial sustainability
- Institutionalized financial support from the UP to CTE
- Generate grant funds in support of
- Services fees (course, workshops, training to other universities)
Objective 2.2. - Institutional sustainability
- Capacity building
Objective 2.3. - Programmatic sustainability
- Identify and engage potential trainers throughout the university
- Update training
GOAL 3: Extend CTE activities to other HEIs in Kosovo and the region
Objective 3.1.-Establish regional HEIs networks and partnerships
- enhance learning and teaching and thedevelopment of shared resources and infrastructure
- Connect to global networks
- Exchange of expertise
Engage with local, national, regional communities as well as the Advisory board of the World Learning TLP program to build and maintain the excellence of the Center for Teaching excellence as well as optimize the success of the center